Go for the Five
1912 London.
A time of disruption, of transition.
Newfangled motor cars are replacing horse-drawn livery carriages, shutting down many equine businesses.
Women are waking up to their political potential and demanding the right to vote through the suffrage movement.
It is still a man’s world in many respects, with women kept in their place by sidesaddles, corsets, and the like. Things are not much different in the world of sports.
Millie Parker is a headstrong and talented teenage rider whose rise to the top is propelled by an Olympic dream. Then she bumps into the male-dominated sports establishment and is brought up short. Women? Riding? In the Olympics? Get serious.
What happens next is the surprising climax of “Go for the Five,” a fictitious feature film screenplay written by Tom Lough for his Writers Guild Foundation screenwriting fellowship project.
Inspired by true events, Millie’s story applies even today, as sports for women continue to evolve.
In a screenplay competition, the script won the feature film division and was awarded a workshop table read by the Writers Guild Foundation Veterans Writing Project. For this table read, professional actors and a narrator delivered their lines authentically, allowing listeners to “see the movie” in their minds. As a result of table read feedback, the script is now better than ever.
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Thank you for your interest.
Tom Lough
PS: If you are a military veteran and have not yet joined Veterans in Media and Entertainment (VME), I strongly encourage you to do so. www.vmeconnect.org
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